The stepdaughter admitted to her stepfather that she had never had a shoulder massage. Heh, heh - I'd correct that misunderstanding, too. Who would have doubted that his hands would go down on her breasts. Blondie was sweating and his cock was in her mouth all by itself. Man, that stepdad was some kind of Copperfield.
Very confidently swallows a very large cock, why should we be surprised that she easily takes it in her other holes too! By the way, in her mouth she takes the cock deeper than in the front and in the anus! So I think a long dick isn't important to this woman, a small, decent thick one will do.
The guy's imagination is not taken away. Waited for the girls to watch a horror movie and then came over and fucked each one in turn. When you wake up and see a mask, you involuntarily increase your state of fear. And this adds a twist to sex, more hormones are released, including adrenaline. it is possible that such tricks he and his sister and girlfriend will do regularly.